Financial Literacy Training
Financial literacy is one of the most valuable skills one can acquire to gain long term benefits from building healthy financial habits. This training is led by Aloyo Yen, AMM's skilled Daily Money Manager and Certified Financial Education Instructorâ„ . We tailor our training to suit the needs of the participants. Contact us for more information.

Training Sessions
Savings, Expenses,
and Budgeting
Budgeting Fundamentals & Overview
Setting Savings Goals & Creating a Savings Plan
Prioritizing Expenses & Opportunity Cost
Identifying & Reducing Your Expenses
Create Your Budget & Automate
Analyze Your Budget & Address Gaps
Major Expenses
Credit Profile
Credit Profile Basics
Benefits & Consequences of Credit
Understanding Your Credit Profile
Access Your Credit Report
Addressing Problems with Your Credit
Identity Theft Protection
Account Management
Choosing Where to Bank
Banking Essentials and Management
Debit Cards vs Credit Cards
Building a Trusted Team
Loans & Debt
Types of Debt
Loan Fundamentals
Risk of Debt
Loan Qualification
How to Pay Off Debt
Credit Cards 101
Automobile Financing
Qualifying for a Home Loan